Helping Heroes USA’s mission is to assist civilian community-based non-profit, veteran, and first, Responder organization to positively impact their members.
HHUSA supplies funds and project management support to help each non-profit to extend its reach into local communities.

Join our HHUSA program
“Answer the Call” Program today. Enter your details, and our team will guide you through the next steps.

Affordable Housing
Sr Housing Project Palm Springs, CA 100 Units 1,100 affordable housing units in Central and Southern California Desert Breeze affordable housing 350 units in Southern California Rescue to Residence Veteran Motorhomes 518 affordable housing units in San Deigo 290 Veteran affordable housing units 1,150 Tiny Homes

17 Oral Surgery Centers to serve an underserved population Dolores Huerta Family Medical Centers 5 Health Senior Care Partners Assisted Living Facilities

Youth Sports
3 Youth Sport Complexes Beach Cities Volleyball Community Center

Job Training
Aircraft Maintenance manufacturing and Flight Training for Veterans Broadcast Training and Film School Software Education and Job Training for underserved populations

Community Improvement
Arvin Civic Center Filipino Community Hall Happy Bond Animal Shelter Ojai Valley Community Foundation Primary Water Resources Waste Recycling

Community Improvement Veterans
Camp Hamilton Veterans Memorial 10 Homeless Veteran/Community Supply Centers Remodel 110 Veteran Organizations Facilities in Southern California 5 Hotels and Mini Convention Centers

successful years of corporate management
HHUSA supplies funds for each project to build new or remodel existing facilities.
Your Partnership Dollars help support organizations while building and expanding their services.
Helping Heroes USA (HHUSA) develops partnerships to support various non-profit causes. An HHUSA partnership allows you to direct funds to causes you want to support.
In addition, you will benefit from exposure to their marketing efforts and HHUSA’s.
A partnership markets your company to all causes supported by
HHUSA and dramatically increases your show of social responsibility.

Tony DeMaio

Ways to Give
Monthly, one-time donation, T-Bills or Stocks

Many organizations can benefit from your expertise, and we have many causes to fit your time commitment.

Several of our organizations are member-based, and you can receive their benefits by joining.