Book an appointment Welcome To Immigration
Welcome to Immigration Express, your trusted partner for comprehensive immigration solutions. Our experienced team provides expert guidance to help you navigate the complexities of the U.S. immigration system with ease and confidence.
Book an appointment Welcome to Immigration Express, your trusted partner for comprehensive immigration solutions. Our experienced team provides expert guidance to help you navigate the complexities of the U.S. immigration system with ease and confidence. Taking courses to
make easier

Pro Bono Services

Income Tax Services

Our experts provide complimentary income tax preparation and filing assistance for qualifying individuals

Document Preparation

We assist with preparing essential legal and immigration documents at no cost.

Notary Services

We offer free notary services to help you with the authentication of important documents.

Immigration service

Our pro bono immigration services include help with applications, petitions, and advice for those who cannot afford legal assistance.

I am an international Attorney

I am an international Attorney, a Notary signing agent, and an ABA approved Paralegal. I am also a member of New
York bar of Association; National Notary Association. I provide affordable professional services throughout the USA.
I am a bonded and registered my Immigration services and I hold professional liability insurance for $1 000 000.
As required by law, I provide a contact to the customer including full description of the services

Why Choose Us ?

Experienced and knowledgeable Consultants specializing in complex immigration matters.

Personalized attention and tailored strategies to meet your unique needs and circumstances.
Proven track record of success in achieving positive outcomes for our clients.
Compassionate and empathetic approach to guide you through every step of the immigration process.
We are registered bonded, and BBA accredited


Tharani Murugiah. LL. B is the founder of Immigration Express. She is an International Attorney, Certified Paralegal and an active member of the New York Bar Association (NYBA). She has extensive experience in Family Based and Humanitarian-Based visa applications. Her mission is to make a position changes in Immigrants life through an affordable and high-quality immigration Services.


We are not a law firm. Therefore, We do not provide legal advice or representation.


The fields on which we give services

Family-Based Immigration

Our team specializes in family reunification through family-based immigration petitions. We guide you through the…

Special Visas

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA): Assistance for eligible undocumented youth to gain protection from…

Spouse Visa (K3 Visa)

We simplify the immigration process for spouses of U.S. citizens, ensuring a quick and efficient…

Adjustment of Status

Tourist Visa: Assistance with adjusting your status from a tourist visa to another eligible visa…

Employment Authorization

Helping individuals obtain legal work status in the U.S. through employment authorization documents, enabling them…

Green Card Services

Removal of Conditions: We assist conditional permanent residents in removing conditions on their Green Card,…
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Immigration & Visa are allowed some Countries

Phone: (+734) 697-2907
Address: 3556 Hartford Way Vlg, Mount Pleasant, SC, 29466, Australia
Phone: (+734) 697-2907
Address: Great Bend, KS 67530, USA
Phone: (+734) 697-2907
Address: Vivekanand Colony, Chhindwara, Madhya Pradesh 480001, India
Phone: (+734) 697-2907
Address: 3556 Hartford Way Vlg, Mount Pleasant, SC, 29466, Australia
Phone: (+734) 697-2907
Address: North Pennines AONB, United Kingdom

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We offer some courses to make immigration easier

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