Proud USA

A note from “Your Host”

Forever and ever, the American Public has listened to the nonsense and personal agendas of our politicians, big corporations, big pharma, rich people, tv/radio producers, and News Stations, etc. As they force their opinions down our throats politically on their platforms with no way for the public to respond. The American People do not have a platform to speak back LIVE, in real time with their opinions and concerns about what is going on in American today.


Live, in real time from the podcast


Proud to be an American is a new Podcast for concerned citizens to come on the show from the comfort of their own home and speak their mind. The podcast of “Proud to be an American” wants to hear from every American that has their own political view and opinion about what is going on in America today.

“Proud to be an American” is a Podcast hosted by the People for the People.
Americans who want to speak up to unite their voices and concerns in real time about what is going on in America today can finally do so.


Sign up to be a guest on the show. Voice your concerns and listen to the voices of other
Americans that are appearing on the show from all over our great nation.

Be a guest and “get a gift” for being on the show.

For all others watch the podcast to support your fellow Americans by listening to what other Americans have to say.

Your host, like so many others has stopped watching, listening and reading the news because she was tired of the fabrications and twisted narratives of those reporting the news. The bull- crap was and still is so dense and it is so exhausting to get to the truth of a story. That your host gave up on the news altogether and relied on whatever she was told by my family and friends in conversation.

This goes for the Presidential Election of 2024 as well. Your host is depending on the American Public to fill her in about what our candidates offered to the public in exchange for their vote. I would also like your opinion on why you liked or disliked a candidate and if you voted or not for your candidate and why.

Do you think your candidate or elected President is going to follow through on the promises he/she made to get elected? Yes or No and why?

Your host needs you to bring her the topics that you want to talk about in hopes we can get
those who control the lives of Americans to listen to your truths. Elected officials and those put in charge, big corporations, the rich, and the news, etc., got so good at hiding the truth that we do not know what is true or not anymore. Maybe it’s a deliberate smoke screen to prevent the truth of their own corruption and greed from being exposed.
Either way taxpayer’s money is being spent in ways many Americans disagree with, and no one is hearing the Americans whose everyday life is affected by their decisions. Millions or should I say Billions have gone missing never to be heard about again. Then there’s the billions that go
overseas to wars while the middle-class struggles to live paycheck to paycheck and while we have Veterans who fought for our freedoms are sleeping in the streets.
We have seniors who worked hard to build this country and now do not have enough money to live. The Social Security Retirement Funds has been dipped into so many times there is not enough money in this fund anymore for a successful retirement without an Everyday American
Senior working some kind of job.
Seniors, Social Security Income is not enough to make ends meet, put food on their tables and roofs over their heads. As those in charge stick their middle finger up to our seniors, vets, disabled, mentally ill and this list goes on and on. While illegals are getting everything for free
from resources that meant for American Citizens in exchange for their votes.

What is wrong with this?

The BUZZ is everywhere the American public wants to speak out and be heard on real issues in the news, on TV and in their lives. 

The podcast of “Proud to be an American” wants to hear from you. Other Americans’ want to hear what you have to say and why you agree or disagree with the topic.

It doesn’t matter what the color of your skin is or where you live or what your background is or what your political party is, or even how old you are. What matters is what’s in your heart and what you think about what is going on in America today.

This podcast “Proud to be an American” gives the public the rare opportunity to 

“TELL IT ALL” the way you see it and expose the wrongdoings according to what you know.

Your host wants to hear whatever you got on a topic that is important to you, and back it up with facts and/or an experience if you could but if not your opinions and concerns would be more than enough.   

How do you feel about what is going on in American Today?  Be a guest on our show. Pick the topic you want to speak about and discuss it on our talk-show.  A topic of joy or a topic that makes your stomach turn.  Either way share it, get it off your chest on our podcast, LIVE, from the comfort of your own home.

This is what we want from you. 

If you had 5 minutes to be a news reporter,
what story would you cover and
how would you present the facts?????

Tell us if you agree or disagree with the news story, the way it is being told and why!!! 

Choose the topic that makes you want to scream it out from a rooftop!!!!!

That’s the topic we want to hear.  Good or Bad. That’s the story you want to share!!!!

The storyline possibilities for discussion are endless. 

What do you want to say to your Politicians? 

What do you want to say to your elected officials?

What do you want to say to Big Corporations?

What do you want to say to Big Pharma?

What do you want to say about the News Industry?

And the questions go on and on! But it is the answers we are looking for.

How can we trust, when we do not know if the information or news that is being given to us is true, tainted our trash. 

Be a guest on the show and support your position, your truth and tell those in charge how their decisions affect your life as an Everyday American. 

Go through the site answer all questions and following the prompts to be a guest on the show because on this site your answers will be true testimony straight from the people and it will not be swayed to support any political party.

Politics and corporate America is not about the American People anymore.  It’s about their own private agenda and padding profits.  How much money can I put in my pocket if I do this for this person and f—k what is good for the people.  How much can I charge the public for food, shelter, insurance, medical care, etc. and get away with it while illegals are getting all of this for free and more in exchange for their votes.

Tax money that is deducted from paychecks. Money that people work so hard for is NOT for the good of the American People anymore. It’s for swaying political issues and it for lining the pockets of those in charge that are not doing the right thing.  As they enjoy the finer things in life while the lower and middle-class struggle to pay their bills just to survive. WTF!!

Reference the schedule calendar on the site for the dates the show will AIR. The calendar will also show the topics that will be discussed on that date and who will be on the show.

What is wrong with this?

The BUZZ is everywhere the American public wants to speak out and be heard on real issues in the news, on TV and in their lives. 

The podcast of “Proud to be an American” wants to hear from you. Other Americans’ want to hear what you have to say and why you agree or disagree with the topic.

It doesn’t matter what the color of your skin is or where you live or what your background is or what your political party is, or even how old you are. What matters is what’s in your heart and what you think about what is going on in America today.

This podcast “Proud to be an American” gives the public the rare opportunity to 

“TELL IT ALL” the way you see it and expose the wrongdoings according to what you know.

Your host wants to hear whatever you got on a topic that is important to you, and back it up with facts and/or an experience if you could but if not your opinions and concerns would be more than enough.   

How do you feel about what is going on in American Today?  Be a guest on our show. Pick the topic you want to speak about and discuss it on our talk-show.  A topic of joy or a topic that makes your stomach turn.  Either way share it, get it off your chest on our podcast, LIVE, from the comfort of your own home.

This is what we want from you. 

If you had 5 minutes to be a news reporter,
what story would you cover and
how would you present the facts?????

Tell us if you agree or disagree with the news story, the way it is being told and why!!! 

Choose the topic that makes you want to scream it out from a rooftop!!!!!

That’s the topic we want to hear.  Good or Bad. That’s the story you want to share!!!!

The storyline possibilities for discussion are endless. 

What do you want to say to your Politicians? 

What do you want to say to your elected officials?

What do you want to say to Big Corporations?

What do you want to say to Big Pharma?

What do you want to say about the News Industry?

And the questions go on and on! But it is the answers we are looking for.

How can we trust, when we do not know if the information or news that is being given to us is true, tainted our trash. 

Be a guest on the show and support your position, your truth and tell those in charge how their decisions affect your life as an Everyday American. 

Go through the site answer all questions and following the prompts to be a guest on the show because on this site your answers will be true testimony straight from the people and it will not be swayed to support any political party.

Politics and corporate America is not about the American People anymore.  It’s about their own private agenda and padding profits.  How much money can I put in my pocket if I do this for this person and f—k what is good for the people.  How much can I charge the public for food, shelter, insurance, medical care, etc. and get away with it while illegals are getting all of this for free and more in exchange for their votes.

Tax money that is deducted from paychecks. Money that people work so hard for is NOT for the good of the American People anymore. It’s for swaying political issues and it for lining the pockets of those in charge that are not doing the right thing.  As they enjoy the finer things in life while the lower and middle-class struggle to pay their bills just to survive. WTF!!

Reference the schedule calendar on the site for the dates the show will AIR. The calendar will also show the topics that will be discussed on that date and who will be on the show.


Sign up now to be a guest on the show,

Spots will go fast because Americans have a lot to say about what is going on in AMERICA TODAY!!

America Speaks Out!!!

In the meantime, Support Small Businesses!

“Treat others the way you want to be Treated”

See you on the show!!

Let’s make a difference America!

Thank you!

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